
Frontend developer

Hello! I'm Lucfreelance frontend web developer. I'm capable to build modern JavaScript designs for your enterpreneur. Start a conversation (English, Spanish) if you need since a lines of code, until some dedicated digital request on PERNstack or JAMstack. I'd work with frameworks like Astro, Jekyll, Hugo, Eleventy, Bootstrap, and why not, vanilla. Reach me besides for work with databases, testing, integrations… Check over my 2023 website showcase sites / sides projects that I'm working in. You're welcome to start a conversation for work purpose.

Let's go ⬇️
Last client

Last develop:

Cali VIP Tours

"It's all about the experience!"

Static website for an enterprise around tourism industry. Made with Hugo framework, with OpenGraph support and i18o multilingual technology.

Hugo · Open Graph · i18o
Reto PC

Reto PC

Showcasing expertise for 'Reto PC' a portfolio website that highlights in computer installations, repairs, and maintenance. From hardware solutions to software finesse, Reto PC provides a glimpse into dedicated technical assistance.

Bootstrap · JavaScript · Jest · GHPages Reto PC


In Trozos de Realidad (pieces of reality), "we create our own system". We have relaunched TDR as TDRDT with a new [digital tier] component focused on Advertising, publishing and agency services. Formerly was an editorial project, we dedicate an editorial effort to made this enterpreneur as shiny as possible.

Jekyll · PHP · Mocha · GHPages TDRDT


Ultraspaces explore social develop principles to apply to future social media projects. Next to that, and, in a complementary way, this website becomes in a lightspot "where you can have some fun and take a cool break".

Vite-ReactJS · PNPM · Netlify · Vitest ultraspaces


Virtual assistance offers of digital and remote services in multimedia, photography, illustration, and almost everything people need for digital life. Besides, when we know about some volunteer, or we did some of that, this is the place to post about it.

Elevently · Nunjucks · TP.e11y · Vercel Voilatin
Positiva Cali

Positiva Cali

Infusing eco-conscious practices, impactful outreach, and commitment to environmental betterment seamlessly into the framework of the Positiva Cali website, thereby nurturing a holistic sense of well-being while staying deeply connected to our planet's vitality.

Hugo · SCSS · Cypress · Vercel Positiva Cali
Date Off

Date Off

A digital project 'brunch factory' of ideas focused on improve life from homes to cities, building apps that enhance lifestyle world to step ahead and invoke for a movement. This is a mobile first initiative.

Astro · Electron · Selenium · Netlify Date Off

[ES] Website dedicated to disseminating information about Artificial Intelligence, as well as reviewing the most user-friendly apps for the Spanish market in categories like Chat, Text to Image-Video-Sound; Image-Film Editing, and Digital-Audio-Copy Assistance. We also build AI bots!

Vanilla · PHP · Jekyll · AIVitest oi-ia